The two shows in Esslingen and Bremgarten will be the last ones for quite a while, as we will be working on the new album to come around within 2008.

Our friend Rene starts his own record-store in Bremgarten, one more reason to join the great opening party!

we are proud to let you know that the SYSTEMATIC HUMAN DEATH SOCIETY will open their own record-store on 17. may 2008 at KuZeB -alte kleiderfabrik, ecke zuger- zürcherstrasse, in bremgarten ag! the store will be open on saturday from 2pm till 5pm! more news follow…
the opening party starts at 8pm with some free drinks and a lot of music! later this night we are happy to have IMMURED -hc crust punk,de- and JANTE ALU -crust grind, lausanne- on stage to blow up your mind and party with us! ok, if you have the time to come, be there… see you!

P.S. I know its very strange, a long time without news and then this!but in the last months a lot of things happend who totally knocked me out! from 19. may i will answer all e-mails and orders! so, please sorry about it and hope you still supports us in the future like you did in the past! many thanks… Rene